August 19—September 9, 2021
PPP / PPAPER Space, Zhongshan Dist., Taipei
Esther Schipper in Taipei | 施博爾・台北 A Seasonal Pop-up Exhibition
Exhibition view: Esther Schipper in Taipei, A Seasonal Pop-up Exhibition, PPP / PPAPER Space, Taipei, 2021. Photo © OS Studio/Rex Chu
Press Release
In response to the typhoon alert announced by Taiwanese government, the Taipei Pop-up exhibition closure date has been shifted to September 9, until 6pm local time, as a precaution. The space will not be open to public on Friday, September 10. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 因應強颱燦樹來襲,Esther Schipper施博爾藝廊夏季Pop-UP展覽,基於防颱與展覽作業考量將閉展時間提前至9月9日週四下午6時,9月10日週五將不開放。 如果造成任何不便敬請見諒。 Visit us through September 9 at PPP / PPAPER Space, in Zhongshan District, for a special exhibition of new and major works by...