Fog Dog Daniel Steegmann Mangrané
March 7—May 27, 2020
Esther Schipper, Berlin

Fog Dog Daniel Steegmann Mangrané

Exhibition view: Fog Dog, Esther Schipper, Berlin, 2020. Photo © Andrea Rossetti

Press Release

Esther Schipper is pleased to announce Daniel Steegmann Mangrané’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. Entitled Fog Dog, the exhibition includes architectural light interventions, a sound installation and a new film. A two-part light intervention greets the visitor upon entering the exhibition. Lit entirely by natural light, angled dividing walls transform the space into a series of connecting rooms. A large triangular opening in the ceiling and a head-high funnel-shaped construction narrowing toward an aperture...
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Daniel Steegmann Mangrané