April 26—May 28, 2016
Aerocene Tomás Saraceno
Asocial Semi-Social Mapping Of Pasiphae 743.61 by a solo Nephila Kenianensis - One Week And A Trio Of Cyrtophora Citricola - Six Weeks, 2016 (right) Spidersilk, paper, glue, ink The works are from a series that is created from spider webs which have been inked and fixed with glue to sheets of paper, creating a sculptural presence. Supervising their development the artist touched upon key principles of social organization: cooperation, co-habitation and hybridity. Hybrid Solitary Semi-Social Instrument ESO 146-IG 005: Built By Two Argiope Anasuja-Two Weeks, Three Cyrtophora Citricola-Three Weeks, One Cyrtophora Moluccensis-Two Weeks, And One Tegenaria Domestica-Ten Weeks, 2015 (left) Spidersilk, carbon fibre, ink, glass, metal Tomás Saraceno’s research and work with spider webs originates from artist’s interest in astrophysics – for him, each of these translucent boxes opens up an entire universe. The title of each of these works relate to names of dwarf galaxies, spiral galaxies or quasars. Photo © Andrea Rossetti
Press Release
Esther Schipper is pleased to present Aerocene, Tomás Saraceno’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. The exhibition will be on view from April 26 and continue through May 28, 2016. A special opening reception concurrently with 2016 Gallery Weekend Berlin will take place on Friday April 29 from 6–9 PM. Tomás Saraceno (b. 1973, Argentina) combines insights from space exploration, science fiction, and geometries found in the biological sciences. Cloud Cities, Saraceno’s most celebrated project,...