November 16—December 21, 2019
Esther Schipper, Berlin
Algo-r(h)i(y)thms Tomás Saraceno
Exhibition view: Tomás Saraceno, Algo-r(h)i(y)thms, Esther Schipper, Berlin, 2019 Photo © Andrea Rossetti
Press Release
Esther Schipper is pleased to announce Algo-r(h)i(y)thms, Tomás Saraceno's third solo exhibition with the gallery. The exhibition will be on view from November 16 and continues through December 21, 2019. Algo-r(h)i(y)thms transforms the exhibition space into a web-like landscape of nets. In Spanish, “algo” means “something.” “Rhythm” comes from the Greek rhythmos, meaning 'movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions.' Though rhythm is both biological...