Untitled (Blue Glitter), 2015 (front)
The work consists of aqua glitter. A small pile of the material, custom made from ground PVC, is kicked up to produce an uneven area. The miniscule elements have an iridescent shimmer.
Untitled, 2015 (center)
Glass bar
The work consists of a long rectangular bar made of dark blue-green glass that has been cast and then polished to a high gloss. As the light passes through the object, small inclusions of bubbles that have been allowed to remain become more or less visible.
Gaufrette (Pink Shadow), 2015 (back)
Annealed glass, vertical and horizontal lines, PVC filter CL9
Each pane of glass of the work has been specially molded: the one facing the back with a pattern of narrow horizontal grooves, the one facing out with a pattern of narrow vertical grooves. This combination of linear pattern and slight iridescence creates changing reflections.
Photo © Andrea Rossetti