Herbarium Amazonas, 2014
Fine Art Prints on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Ultra Smooth
The works, installed on a wall entirely covered with a wallpaper showing colorful vertical scan lines, show leaves in different states of desiccation. The decay of both organic and man-made material (on which the leaves are seen to rest in the scans) suggests the impossibility of halting entropic processes, alluding to the realization that nothing can be preserved, particularly not states of cultural development.
Vertical Colored Scanlines, 2014
The irregular pattern of the wallpaper is generated by a faulty calibration of a digital scanning device, which then produces an autopoietic color strip image, akin perhaps to a machine’s self-portrait. The combination of the wallpaper and the works hanging creates a visual equivalent of the conflation of nature, technology and its failure.
Photo © Andrea Rossetti