Once upon a time in City Bild is an improvised futuristic tale based on the research of Ocean Earth Development and Corporation. This science-fiction attempts to approach the individual and collective behavior of a society that has undergone profound ecological, political, urban, economic and dynamic changes.
"City Bild" is a nomadic city in which men and women are no more connected to each other than their homes are to the land.
Once upon a time in City Bild is a multimedia story that you introduce to your apartment or house. All you need is a video recorder and television, a hi-fi sound system and a Walkman.
The four audio and video cassettes (radio information, an educational story, the weather report, TV advertising) will transform your home into a vast installation: Once upon a time in City Bild.
To reinforce the realism of this "real time" story and really believe in it, it is possible to acquire objects that act as a real scenery: very special Afghan rugs, OECD maps, naturalist posters, design objects...
Marc Almond, If You Go Away
Tiny et Tim, I Got You Baby
Brian Ferry, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Vanessa Paradis, Walk on The Wild Side