Cloudbuster Project - P.S.1 New York - 17.5.2003 - Clouds, 2003 (left) Signed, numbered & dated Lambda-Color 53,7 x 71,6 cm Heaven & Sky, 2003 (right) Satellite dish, beamer projection, Cloudbuster, video camera, monitor, water pump, water Dimensions variable Photo © Howard Sheronas
Press Release
In 1953 the Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich began to experiment with the Cloudbuster, a device he had created to influence the atmosphere, to make it rain or keep it from raining – according to various reports of that time with great success. The way the Cloudbuster functioned was based on Reich’s theory of the human libido as a universal energy, inherent in living as well as organic matter, the radiation of which he called Orgone...