Sunny Day, 2017
Mylar transparent and metalized, tape, pump with overpressure release valve, polyester rope, PA net, metal ring
The inflatable structures that make up the installation communicate a new way of flying, one that relies only on the difference in temperature between inside and outside the sculpture, heated only by the sun and the infrared radiation of the Earth. Floating like this provides an alternative to the linear vector flight of propulsion technology, replacing it with sympoetic choreography.
Aerocene Explorer, 2016 (on the wall)
The Aerocene Explorer is a tethered-flight starter kit, which enables anyone to personally launch their own Aerocene solar sculpture and start exploring the skies. A tactile and engaging way to experience Aerocene, the Explorer allows participants to take aerial photographs and videos and to collect atmospheric data using nonintrusive, emissions-free scientific exploration tools that measure air quality, temperature, humidity, and pressure. Additionally, users can ‘hack’ the devices pack, create their own light-weight sensors, and lift them up.
Photo © Andrea Rossetti