Pierre Pierre Matti Braun
May 1—29, 2010

Pierre Pierre Matti Braun

Pierre Pierre, 2010 Concrete floor, black light, fluorescent paint, 7 batik paintings on raw silk, 20 offset prints, 2 c-print photographs Detail of the batik paintings For the first time the artist presented a group of works consisting of watercolors on raw silk and cotton framed in steel. The unique watercolors, hand-crafted by the artist, were produced by means of an experimental textile process, and represent a continuation of his Batiks, wall hangings, and Patolas, which—in contrast to the watercolors—are produced by using traditional techniques acquired by the artist as an autodidact. Photo © Lothar Schnepf

Press Release

With Pierre Pierre, Matti Braun continues his investigation of historical and cultural traces that began in Senegal and Morocco. For his fourth solo exhibition at Esther Schipper, he has subjected the gallery architecture to fundamental modifications. The backdrop for this presentation of new works consists of fluorescing walls and ceilings, which are rendered luminescent by means of UV light. Natural daylight entering the gallery generates a constantly changing luminous atmosphere. The gallery’s parquet floor has...
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Matti Braun