Systemic Grid #28, 2014 (left)
Gesso and pro black on board
This work uses a simplified geometric shape that is mirrored, pivoted and turned to create a pattern whose rules of construction are not immediately recognizable but adhere to a consistent self-imposed set of operations. Consequently, the shape, a rectangle from which one corner has been removed (in effect a square with a triangle), creates layers of geometric patterns.
Untitled, 2014 (right)
Kriska aluminium curtain, laser-cut and powder coated steel frame
The curtains are both indications of a transition (meant to be traversed, marking the end of one space and the beginning of the next) as well as objects. Oscillating between appearing as diaphanous screen and semi-solid object, the works exist in a hybrid state between corporeality and immateriality.
Ambient light created by yellow photographic filter on the windows
Photo © Andrea Rossetti