Æther. From Cosmology to Consciousness Christoph Keller
February 16—March 7, 2011
Nouveau Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Æther. From Cosmology to Consciousness Christoph Keller

Exhibition view Æther. From Cosmology to Consciousness, 2011 Nouveau Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris Photo © Centre Pompidou / Georges Meguerditchian & Hervé Véronèse

Press Release

Aether, one could say, is the unknown. But how can the unconceivable be conceived? The answer is multifold: From Plato‘s fifth element to Descartes one can find a multitude of philosophical-theological and scientific theories of aether. Several natural philosophers, like Giordano Bruno, Christiaan Huygens and Isaac Newton, whose works are fundamental for today‘s science, based their theories on the assumption that aether was a given. Parallel to the rise of the enlightenment an abundance of...
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Christoph Keller