Ceal Floyer Ceal Floyer
October 14, 2016—January 22, 2017
Aspen Art Museum

Ceal Floyer Ceal Floyer

Today’s Special, 2009 Board, wood, chalk This work plays on a misreading: If the apostrophe were to indicate an abbreviation of the verb ‘is’, the sign would mean ‘Today is special’. The back side reads ‘Tomorrow's another day’. Bars, 2015 Powder coated steel In a characteristic reversal of boundaries, the artist has installed bars generally found on the outside of buildings inside, effectively rendering the windows unusable and the bars without identifiable function. Photo © Tony Prikryl

Press Release

The Aspen Art Museum is pleased to present the second major US solo exhibition of the work of critically acclaimed British artist Ceal Floyer. The exhibition will feature a curatorial selection of thirteen works spanning the years 1993–2015, curated by AAM Nancy and Bob Magoon CEO and Director Heidi Zuckerman. Predominantly working in the media of film and installation, Floyer’s artistic practice addresses notions of the uncanny, the humorous, and the absurd through deceptively simple...
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Ceal Floyer