Ceal Floyer Ceal Floyer
October 29, 2015—January 10, 2016
Kunstmuseum Bonn

Ceal Floyer Ceal Floyer

Exhibition views from Ceal Floyer, Kunstmuseum Bonn (October 29, 2015 - January 10, 2016) Vorsicht Stufe, 2006

Press Release

Ceal Floyer, born in 1968, is an artist who has lived many years in Berlin, whose art seems almost to be hiding. With strict simplicity, fine irony and a feeling for the absurd, her works question our usual perceptual patterns. Her precise acts show unexpected gaps between the visible and the invisible, between reality and language. Despite, and especially with, the use of everyday objects she generates productive irritations, illusions and delusions, which with their...
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Ceal Floyer