
The works of Thomias Radin are collages of cultural references with which he explores questions of identity and cognition. He himself describes his paintings and objects as representations of „inner life“ and attempts to depict a double consciousness: one that is shaped by the intellect and one that is at home in the physical experience of the black body. Elements and memories of everyday life in his native Guadeloupe home, are combined with the urban culture informed by its practice of Hip-Hop, Afro-diasporic lifestyle and highly visible influences from the history of European painting in his multi-material works. In particular, the wood craftsmanship from his family’s tradition forms the material basis of his work groups.

Thomias Radin is also a trained contemporary dancer, which provides him with further important impulses for his artistic work: the physical memories from his dance sessions flow directly into his paintings, and the confrontations in his painting influence his choreographies. In keeping with his approach to art, there is no separation of disciplines in his work; all forms of expression are mutually dependent on each other in his expressive work.