the alphabet of my mothers and fathers Ugo Rondinone the alphabet of my mothers and fathers Ugo Rondinone
September 13—October 19, 2024
Esther Schipper, Berlin

the alphabet of my mothers and fathers Ugo Rondinone

Press Release

We are nothing without food. The spread of farming led to food surpluses, which spared some of us the daily chore of hunting and gathering. Trades and professions emerged as agriculture grew more efficient with the use of tools, further shrinking the number of people tasked with food production. Farmers, cooks and their tools made us sedentary, enabled cities and empires to arise, encouraged the standardisation of alphabets and numerical systems, and facilitated the proliferation of knowledge and art. Today, in the industrialised world, the workers needed to supply us with food is a tiny, single-digit percentage of the population while farming’s old tools have all but vanished.

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