With works by Black Jaguar, Haneyl Choi, Yeeun Lee, Leehaiminsun, Chanseok Seo, Hyunseon Son, and Jung Hwa Yang.
Curated by Jungsik Lee
The exhibition House on Fire presents the short story Broken-Nosed Pinocchio's 30th Christmas by Eunjoo Lee, reimagined through the works of seven artists. While literature inherently embodies a distinct narrative imagery, these artists reflect the written word once more, infusing their individual styles rather than adhering strictly to the original imagery. As such, this exhibition becomes both a 'variation' of the written narrative and a reimagining of the established works by the participating artists.
The original text and the exhibition House on Fire focuses on the anger and hatred experienced by those who are vulnerable and unprotected. It delves into narratives woven by psychological states such as 'negative transfers' and the language of emotions that emerge from repressed memories. These stories are then reimagined and reconstructed through paintings, drawings, photographs, and sculptural works.