Ben Elliot Perfect Painting (Ocre), 2022
Inkjet print on canvas and acrylic paint
170 x 140 cm
This work belongs to a series of paintings entitled Perfect Paintings created from a data-driven analyse of what has made paintings successful. Non-figurative and executed in acrylic and print on canvases, the composition and color palette of each work is a result of detailed calculations automatically generated by a software. This software studies the dimensions, color palettes, and formats of the most popular paintings in contemporary history, taking elements such as the market value, mainstream cultural influences and institutional perspectives into consideration.
Ben Elliot is an artist who addresses contemporary themes such as the impact of emerging technologies, the rise of influence marketing, and the formation of socioeconomic trends. In his process, Elliot often incorporates leading companies, individuals, and objects to examine the concepts and values they embody.