Phantom (kingdom of all the animals and all the beasts is my name) is a virtual environment that can be experienced as an immersive 3D landscape viewed with a wearable headset. Because the headset’s movements are tracked by OptiTrack devices, the viewer is able to explore the environment by moving or looking into a particular direction. Each real-life movement has its equivalent effect inside the virtual representation.
Once the headset is out on, the spectator is immediately transported to an apparently infinite black expanse. A towering tree dominates the captured location. Its outline and the rainforest’s densely leafed underbrush, delicate foliage and branches, as well as its floor covered with leaves and ferns are delineated by small white dots. As one explores this virtual space, one’s body appears to recede from consciousness, for example when holding up one’s hand in front of the face. At the same time, it is the corporeal movement of one’s body that is necessary to navigate through the landscape.