Gabriel Kuri out inside outside in box 1, 2023
out inside outside in box 1 consists of assembled stainless steel panels whose forms echo those of furnishings that dispense or receive objects in our daily life in the public realm: items such as parking tickets or cash register receipts, coins or credit cards. Yet, here they appear as if turned inside out and their small orifices, akin to thresholds, connect inside and outside, even as these designations are put into question.
The metal sheets have radiused edges that can also be seen as a reference to the generalized shape of bank cards with their distinct rounded corners and inserted chip cards, a recurring motif in Kuri's practice. With great economy, the artist allows these everyday items to invoke an entire conglomerate: credit cards as object, instrument of payment, the power of their parent company, the banking system, industries of consumer management and data collection.