Installation with satellite dish, beamer projection, Cloudbuster, video camera, monitor, water pump, water
Dimensions variable
The starting point for Christoph Keller's Cloudbuster Project is the resumption of psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich's scientific experiments to influence the atmosphere. In the 1950s, Reich intensively dealt with climate issues such as global warming and increasing desertification. According to Reich's orgone theory, rain could be generated with the help of the Cloudbuster. Keller conducted the first re-enactment of Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster experiments in 2003 on the roof of P.S. 1 in Long Island City, New York. The artist reconstructed the Cloudbuster to change the weather using original photographic documents, reports, and archive material, as the scientist's estate did not contain a detailed blueprint.
In 2003–04, Keller presented the work for the first time at Schipper & Krome, Berlin, in the form of an exhibition installation that enabled visitors to remotely control the Cloudbuster. To control the object's position, the Cloudbuster installed on the roof of the building was filmed in real time and projected onto the concave surface of a satellite shot in the exhibition space.