Pierre Huyghe Cambrian Pulse, 2015
Live marine ecosystem (horseshoe and arrow crabs, tube anemones), floating rock, dark grey sand, reverse osmosis water, switchable glass tank, switchable glass hardware and software, stainless steel base, filtration and UV-control systems, pump
178 x 203,5 x 153,5 cm (overall)
An aquarium containing a disproportionally large stone floating above light grey sand. The stone is a volcanic rock that has a vesicular texture caused be voids of trapped material that allows it to float on water. Cambrian Pulse contains a life marine ecosystem: the salt water environment is inhabited by nine horseshoe crabs, two arrow crabs, and seven purple tube anemones. The corpus of the aquarium consists of switchable glass and is supported by a partially open metal base in which the filtration system is housed. The floating stone appears miraculously suspended in the water — with the animals peacefully ignorant of what from the outside looks like a precarious existence. By placing a distinct group of animals in the tank, Huyghe creates a new environment.