Grönlund-Nisunen Liquid Diagram, 2009
Distilled water, glass flasks, glass tubes, resistance wire, stainless steel stands, halogen lights, control units, transformers
260 x 830 x 30 cm
12 tubes, each: height 260 cm, ø 30 cm
Twelve glass tubes supported by metal structures are arranged in a line across the width of the room. Each tube is mounted on round-bottomed flasks filled one quarter full with distilled water and connected by a system of switches. An electrical heating element controls the air temperature inside the flasks. The flasks are lit from below, making the rising and falling of the water level visible. At the same time, a poetic element is introduced into the technical process. The system is a sensitive one, which reacts not only to the different heat states, but also, like a barometer, to uncontrollable fluctuations in temperature outside the unit.