The work is from a suite of prints by Thomas Demand entitled Portals. Each of the eleven embossed lithographs, which use between 8 and 13 colors, depicts the outside of an architectural structure. Like all of Demand's works, the picture is based on a photograph of a model which was created by the artist.
Often taking a detail, the representations are somewhat abstracted, and appear more linear and less detailed than the actual architectural structure. While Thomas Demand's work often draws attention to its constructedness in subtle alterations to the source material, the images of Portals depart more overtly from their architectural sources.
Several images in this suite were conceived in relation to a project for the covers of the Italian architectural magazine DOMUS in 2020. The series depicted "architecture which got into trouble," as Demand puts it. Most are designs that became symbolic architectural forms for contemporaneous disputes without necessarily being built with any such intention.