Ugo Rondinone moonrise. east. april, 2005
58 x 121,5 x 119,5 cm (plinth)
moonrise. east. april is from a series of twelve works, one for each month, modeled in clay over styroform, cast in aluminium and painted the color of damp clay.
Each mask varies from the other, some with elongated faces or pointed chins; others are round, spherical, or oblong-shaped. Yet they also bear similar features with one another; hollow cast out spaces producing deep set eye sockets, coupled with wide gaping smiles, sometimes toothless or lined with razor sharp jagged teeth. Perhaps because of their size, the figures can exude a sense of the grotesque and ill-shapen, yet at the same time, there is almost a playful child-like innocence to these sculptures, seemingly innocuous and fantastic.
The sunrise.east series was cast in bronze and painted silver.